Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hey all!
Just a little update since my last post a couple days ago. This week we started a few new things such as lecture, work duties, community outreach and evangelism. I also found out my outreach location so that's pretty exciting! We've had Danny Lehmann for our lectures basically just teaching us about spiritual discipline and how it will help us with our missions. So far its been extremely helpful! Today we got to put it into action by going to china town, hotel street and just spreading love to the homeless community. This was my first time evangelizing and it was just an amazing experience overal. It was pouring rain which always makes things a little more intense! It was also sweet considering how extremely hot its been! But anyway, I met three new friends today: Menshi, Jian and Robert a.k.a Brother Bob. These were all beautiful, sweet people who really just wanted to be heard. It's so crazy how the world usually views the homeless as outcasts or rejects when they are just regular people who have had it a little rough in life. They all have hearts, feelings and a story behind it all. Each person happily accepted the little we gave them, which was just a bottle of water, our full attention and prayer. We even got prayer in return which was crazy to me! The homeless praying for me was definitely a new but beautiful experience. You can say my heart was full when I left that place. I'll be able to go back to china town every Tuesday to visit these wonderful people until December when we all split up to go on outreach!
Today we were given our outreach locations and had the opportunity to choose out of three: India/ Sri Lanka, Nepal and The Philippines/ Malaysia. This was a tough and huge decision for everyone so we were all a little nervous but it all worked out for the best! I NEVER EVER thought I would go to Nepal! It was never even an option for me but in that short time we had prayer and intercession I truly felt it in my heart thats where I needed to be. I quickly wrote it down and handed it in! There's no turning back now and I am so excited about this opportunity and experience !
Last but not least everyone got assigned different work duties on mondays and wednesdays from 1:30-5. Either working in the office, kitchen, house clean up or yard work. I got yard work......... YAY! A little challenging with this crazy heat and no AC but this too shall pass!!
Thank you all so much for your prayer and support! More updates coming soon! xoxo

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